The 2nd Annual 'Journées Nationales de la Moto et du Scooter' (JNMS) inaugurated by the Interdepartmental Delegate to Road Security Mme Michèle Merli, were held this past weekend on the Linas-Montlhéry Racetrack. These two National Motorcycle and Scooter Days centered on environment, security and camaraderie.
Representing Dominique Bussereau, the State Secretary of Transport, Mme Merli reviewed the special attention she holds towards two wheel motorized vehicles and campaigned for the pursuit of continued and open dialog. In her eyes, motorcycles and scooters cannot be cast aside within the global concern for road security. In her speech, she spoke of her desire to see road users "live a pacified path, in respect of a common code: the road code."; a text that includes the evolution of "the code of road security for the 21st century". She called for beginning discussions with certain national representatives of the motorcycle and scooter sectors in hope that the end result is that "the liberty of two wheeled transport is no longer a liberty that kills!" An inspiring speech that changes the current political climate in France, but offers no concrete results for the moment.
Source: Moto-Station
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