The unregulated affair of motorcycle-taxi businesses in France will soon be changing. Last week, the National Assembly adopted an amendment establishing rules for this means of transportation.
Moto-taxis began appearing in Paris in 2001 and eventually their presence spread to other large cities in France. They now number between 270 and 300 bikes in Paris alone. For a speedy trip into a major city from the airport or getting swiftly through traffic to make a meeting on time, moto-taxis have become 'the' way to get around for executives and financially privileged. Fares tend to be in the neighborhood of 20% more costly than traditional taxis.
The legislation enacted was proposed within the framework of a tourism law project, wherein the text subjects these businesses to a system of authorization. Once implemented the code stipulates that motorcycles will have to be less than 3 years old and chauffeurs must be licensed for more than five years. Additionally, they cannot have been found at fault in an accident during the last five years. Unlike traditional taxis, the moto-taxis will not be given access to taxi-station areas and will continue to work on reservation. Any violation to these rules may subject the operator to one year in prison and a fine of 150,000 Euros.
If you happen to find yourself in need of specialized transport the next time you are in France, there are a number of companys that offer moto-taxi services in Paris alone, including: All By Bike, Citibird, Motocab, Moto Taxi Parisien & Skoot. Most also mantain partnerships with moto-taxi services in other French cities.
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