If you've got a few days free and have been yearning to explore a bit of the Hexagon, have I got a great guide for you. Created by 3 brothers, each contributing his own specialties, 'Routes et Motards' offers you 10 spectaculars routes. 'Routes et Motards' (Roads & Motorcyclists) is actually a incredible detailed kit that includes a DVD, GPS charts and a guide book. You can preview excerpts from the DVD that includes 2 hours of videos showing highlights of the various routes on their website. The 88 page guide book includes Michelin maps, photos, road notes, plus addresses of places to stay and eat. It's even printed on waterproof paper. The only thing that's not included is French language lessons if you want to soak up all the valuable information this guide has to offer. In any case, for the small price of 19,50 euros you get a tremendous amount of information that can be used regardless of your linguistic background.
Born and raised in New York and now living in France after a 10+ year layover in sunny Southern California, I've had a life long passion for anything on wheels and am notably plagued with an obsession for motorcycles.
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