The information about existing speed cameras is delivered by Coyote either from fellow Coyote users or from the speed camera and speed limit information from the databases of our Partners. It is updated as soon as you turn on the device and the communication stays active throughout your trip so you can receive alerts at any time.
100% legal, combining GPS and GPRS technologies, Coyote is the only speed camera alert system to communicate in real time the presence of mobile speed cameras. It allows users, at the press of a button to inform fellow Coyote users passing in this area for the next 3 hours of the presence of a mobile speed camera.
They even produce a unit specifically adapted to motorcycle users, the Coyote Rider, which includes a handlebar and/or forearm waterproof mount.
Coyote is now set to introduce the second version of their Mini Coyote, the V2, which now boasts a color screen. In addition, this new model benefits from voice or sound alerts, a big plus for motorcyclists when integrated into a helmet headset system. They've also added a new button for reporting real-time traffice disturbances (traffic jams, accidents, etc.). Unfortunally, this last big make the primary button smaller, a disadvantage to a riders gloved hand, especially in winter. No word yet about motorcycle specific kits for the new V2, but the unit hasn't even hit the market yet, so keep an eye on their website if this interests you.
Source: Le blog 100% radars (French)
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